I took a 3-month sabbatical

I took a 3-month sabbatical

In May 2022, I decided to take a sabbatical. Here is what I learned after from my career break: 1. Taking a real break is harder than I thought. It's not easy to rest your brain and stop your weekly routine of working because it has become your

I got promoted to "CMO"

I got promoted to "CMO"

I started a new role as 'CMO' recently and have a very high demanding Boss: - I literally work over 100 hours/week including weekends - Overtime is a new normal. Indeed, I don't know when is my break during the day. - I have limited

The Product Market Fit

The Product Market Fit

Today I want to share the exciting topic of Product Market Fit (PMF), why it plays such an important role in product development and growth, and which frameworks we can use to achieve PMF. Recently, I listened to a fantastic podcast in which Itamar Gilad (former Head of Growth/Product


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