Find your fulfillment in life
Photo by Jojo Yuen (sharemyfoodd) / Unsplash

Find your fulfillment in life

According to John C. Maxwell, there are 3 kinds of people when it comes to having direction in life:

1. People who don't know what they would like to do.

2. People who know what they would like to do but don't do it.

3. People who know what they would like to do and do it.

He also explained:

1. People in this group are often confused. They can't reach their potential because they have no idea what they to shoot for.

2. People in the 2nd group are usually frustrated. They experience the gap of where they are and where they want to be but fears, procrastination and other reasons prevent them from reaching their potentials.

3. These people are fulfilled. They know themselves and have a great sense of passion and purpose.

Those definitions resonate well to me as an individual.

Almost 10 years ago when I was a college student, I saw myself in the first group. And it took me years to learn about myself, to discover my core values and to have a sense of direction in life.

Few people can find their fulfillment in life from the beginning but from my personal experience, there are ways to accelerate it:

1. Learn to make your own decisions and dare to accept risks from doing that.

2. Move out to live on your own when you have your first full-time job. Living with parents and relatives saves you monthly rent but costs you a big chance to learn how to decide for yourself.

3. Travel to see the world; move to a new city or a new country to step out of the comfort zone.

4. Be honest to yourself about things you like and don't like.

5. People will always judge. People have a right to talk, you have a choice to hear it or not.

6. What you are feeling right now is temporary. Don't make a decision based on just emotions.

7. Being you is more important. Respect your core values to define your life purposes.

8. It's okay to ask for help. Find the right coach/mentor.

Check out other posts I wrote about career development here.


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Anh Thu Do