
The story of a personal brand

The story of a personal brand

Welcome to a subscription-only edition. Today I'm going to talk about my key learnings of finding my own a personal brand and the benefits of doing it. When people ask: "What do you do?". The common answer people normally give is: I am a [job title]

Người trẻ, nỗi buồn và mục đích sống

Người trẻ, nỗi buồn và mục đích sống

Đây là câu chuyện đầu tiên tôi viết bằng tiếng Việt. Hồi còn trẻ hơn bây giờ, nhất là cấp 3 và đại học, tôi rất hay buồn man mác không có lý do đặc biệt. Khi buồn thì lại thức đêm, càng thức khuya càng nghe nhạc thì nỗi

Why Helping Others Can Positively Impact Your Career

Why Helping Others Can Positively Impact Your Career

Welcome to a subscriber-only edition! Throughout my corporate career, volunteering played an important role in my career. It makes me become a better person, and a better leader. Your career is a long-term journey. And in that journey, the only competitor you should have is yourself. The only true competitor

The wake-up call

The wake-up call

Welcome to a paid-subscription edition! One day before the Lunar New Year, I saw the tech layoff news all over the media. Although I already left my position last year, reading layoffs posts from people - some are my friends - really touched my heart. It was a mixed feeling


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