Instead of trying different productivity hacks that people shared, just focus on creating your own best practices. Why? Because each person has their own unique energy rhythm during the day, as well as enjoy different kinds of activities at different energy levels. Note down things you want to focus on
I was drinking with my husband last night and noticed December is here with year-end events are coming up. It's a fun time to talk about drinking. First of all, I want to highlight that you should only drink if you want to. While many people enjoy the
When people consider a new offer, they normally care about company brand name, compensation and job description. That's not enough. Here's what people should really take into consideration: 📌 Company vision & culture 📌 Team dynamic & culture (as important as company culture) 📌 Direct & indirect management/leadership
According to John C. Maxwell, there are 3 kinds of people when it comes to having direction in life: 1. People who don't know what they would like to do. 2. People who know what they would like to do but don't do it. 3. People