
Your title at work doesn't truly present who you are

Your title at work doesn't truly present who you are

In general, people like introducing their name, official title and their company name. But your title at work doesn't truly present who you are. To have a better intro, follow these steps: 1. People can't remember long name, so introduce your first name only or even



You should treat self-care is a must-do item in your calendar. It should feel like you have to go to an important meeting or meeting a deadline at work. Make self-care a priority, respect and spend time for it. Declare what matters to you: - 60 mins doing exercise -

How to gain international exposure early in your career

How to gain international exposure early in your career

The good news is that studying abroad is NOT the only way. 👇Here are 18 ideas to get you started: 1. Attend an university-sponsored conference 2. Attend a government-sponsored exchange program 3. Volunteer for international NGOs 4. Join a business plan competition in a different country 5. Join a global/


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