I made some important changes...
Photo by Ross Findon / Unsplash

I made some important changes...

I hope you are well,

It's been awhile since my last writing to you. I decided to take a longer break than expected after the ankle accident to think about the direction I would like to pursue in the next few years.

The process to find out what I want to do next was not smooth, and it was interesting at the same time because I struggled in finding what I really wanted.

I think it's probably a normal phase in life when your past goals in your 20s were completed and you moved into your 30s with more responsibilities and things to balance. Your priority has changed as well as your perspectives.

With a lot of brainstorming, I decided to make some important changes and I'm happy to share with you:

1, Rebranding

As you may have noticed from reading this email, I've worked on the rebranding to update my website with the new logo, color palette and name.

Previously, I have used a lot of black and white to create a clean and professional look. But at the time, it makes the look so uptight and lack of creativity. So by adding orange color to the brand, I would like to express the positive and vibrant vibe that aligned with my personality.

At the same time, I decided to consolidate everything to "anhthudo.com" and remove the "Growth Insider" and makes it easy for people to search for it - SEO 101 here ;)

If you have any feedback, feel free to comment to let me know!

2, A new full time job

I took over 3 months break from my last full-time job to focus on coaching and build it to become a new profession. While I picked up such amazing skills along the way, I experienced the challenges as a business owner on how to scale a coaching business.

An important lesson I learned was your time is limited and you cannot scale by offering services by hours.

So an important decision I made is to go back to FT and maintaining coaching as a side project. I'm not giving up on owning a business, but I know that I need more experiences in managing a startup, not just only on growth/marketing/GTM and managing a team but also managing P&L, accounting, legal and operations holistically.

Therefore, I took new opportunities to help me grow beyond my current expertise in growth & marketing. And it's exciting.

3, Content direction

I will resume my writing starting from this week and the sub topics will focus on career growth, personal development and lifestyles with more articles in Vietnamese.

I want to be mindful that my audience has had a large number of Vietnamese people so it's also an opportunity for us to connect using our native language.

If you are a foreigner who doesn't speak Vietnamese and doesn't prefer to receive email in Vietnamese, please email to let me know and I'll help exclude you from these articles or refund if you are a paid subscriber.

Thank you for being my subscriber and see you soon in the next email,


Anh Thu


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Written by

Anh Thu Do