Small things matter
Photo by Stephanie Harvey / Unsplash

Small things matter

I have a love-hate relationship with making slides.

I remember spending 3 months in my first full-time job to make slides from 10am-1am. I don't remember how many pages but those slides had to pass a high bar of requirements.

That job has trained me to become very sensitive looking at what presented in a slide, both content and format. For e.g all texts and columns need to perfectly be aligned to every mili-meter, or never have any headline jump up and down when flipping pages.

At first, it was tough for me receiving feedback from QC team (quality control), following by fixing the slide urgently at night and printing the whole deck again to get ready for a morning meeting.

After that, I learned that:

1. Things are good may be far from perfect.

If you want to become the best, stop complaining and learn to do it again, and again, and again until you excel it.

2. Big things are important but little things count.

Love strategy as much as step-by-step implementation

3. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Who doesn't have hard feeling at work?

The moment you feel that you are small, vulnerable and questioning your capability, you should remember you are a tree that needs water to grow up.

Therefore, keep watering your tree EVERDAY and don't give up. Look back after 1 year and see how much you have grown out of that hard feeling to become a tall tree 🌴.

Check out other posts I wrote about career here.


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Anh Thu Do