The story of a personal brand
Photo by Bree Anne / Unsplash

The story of a personal brand

Welcome to a subscription-only edition.

Today I'm going to talk about my key learnings of finding my own a personal brand and the benefits of doing it.

When people ask: "What do you do?". The common answer people normally give is:

I am a [job title] at company X.

When you work full-time, those below things have become part of your personal identity: your job, your title at work and the company brand that you are working for.

And we often work hard to earn them: To get into a company with good brand name, to get promoted with a higher title and so on.

To a point in life, you should question yourself:

Who Am I Without A Job Title?

And it's not easy to answer it.

When people face some challenges at work such as layoff or career switch or taking a long break between 2 jobs. People often feel lost especially when they have been working for a company/a job for a long time.

I remember when I left a full-time role in any company in the past, I struggled and didn't know how to introduce myself to people.

We sometimes don't know who we are if we don't have a given title at work.

It took me a long time to reach to understand that:

Personal brand is your story of who you are and impact you want to make in this world. - Anh Thu Do

It starts from your life purpose statement and core values:

I am a ____ (metaphor) that _____ (impact I want to make)

When you know who you are and what impact you want to make, you seek for opportunities that help you achieve your dream. Not the other way around.

When we grow up, we are taught to have a high paying job, to study well, to have family with kids and so on.

And we keep chasing what is "great" following the society standards. And we get lost after achieving them as they don't align with your values.

It's time to stop and think what you REALLY WANT in life? How do you want to tell your life story?



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Written by

Anh Thu Do