Your career, your choice
Photo by Javier Allegue Barros / Unsplash

Your career, your choice

1. Long time ago, I decided to free myself from these social norms:

- Being genius means going to X school
- Being successful means working in X, Y or Z industry
- By the age of X, have the title of Y and earning level of Z
- Get married before the age of X, then have kid before the age of Y

Does it sound familiar to you?

Don't let these stereotypes/social norms define you.

Please create your own formula of success!

Many years ago, my dad once said if I could get a job in banking with a starting salary of 20mil VND/month (~1K USD at that time) then he would be very happy for me.

I'm glad I didn't follow that suggestion and created a new career path for me.

2. When working with my mentees, I noticed many people hesitated having a career change after having a few years of working experience.

My advice is that finding what you want to do matters more.

You'd better do it sooner than later.

Adam Grant once said:

If you're considering a career change but worried about taking a step backward, remember this: It's better to lose the past 2 years of progress than to waste the next 20.

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Written by

Anh Thu Do